• ENG
HYOSUNG Harrington Court, Gangnam Contrasting to the busy Gangnam area, the design scheme focused on providing a Contrasting to the busy Gangnam area, the design scheme focused on providing a sustainable solution utilizing the urban landscape of the site. Located on the base of a mountain ridge, all residential units were designed as terrace units along the slope with Southward orientation, maximizing natural lighting and ventilation. To provide a comfortable outdoor environment, all traffic routes were directed to the underground parking lot which is vertically separated, providing maximum safety and convenience for its residents. The communal facilities are placed on the lower part of a residential complex near the main entrance, and the community and service facilities are placed on lower floors close to the central plaza to encourage communication among neighbors.
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Space Information

  • 43,222Square meters
    floor areas
  • +4 / -1Four stories and
    one basement level
  • 16/799Elevators and
    parking lots

Each floor is designed with a slightly different floor plan resulting in the terraces for each unit. Unlike other typical terraced houses, the backside of the residential units are opened to allow natural lighting and cross-ventilation. To present a landscape harmonized with the surrounding mountains, terracotta that has a color similar to the ground is used as a main material to impose a natural color scheme. The facade unfolds a sequenced narrative rhythmically expressed through terrace of varied masses, and the roof exhibits aesthetically sophisticated design that harmonizes with the surrounding topography.


HYOSUNG Harrington Court, Gangnam

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Residential
  • Area 43,222m²
  • Floors 4 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2017

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