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Awards , 15 April 2021

Winning iF DESIGN AWARD 2021 Seoul Botanic

IF.pngSeoul Botanic Park received Germany’s iF DESIGN AWARD in 2021

‘Seoul Botanic Park’, undertaken by SAMOO Architects & Engineers and THE_SYSTEM LAB, was selected as the winner of the main prize in the public architecture category of the iF DESIGN AWARD, one of the world’s three major awards. Located in Hanover, the International Forum Design is the longest-running independent design institution in the world. Since 1953, it has been honoring the iF DESIGN AWARD to the best design every year.


08017B-마곡화목원-친환경-식물문화센터-박영채.jpgThe ‘Seoul Botanic Park’ is the first urban botanic garden in Seoul where people can enjoy vegetation as a type of culture in urban life. Adopting a concave plate embracing nature as a design motif, the project materialized a shape of a plant cell, and it was eventually selected as the winner at the award, highly praised by the judging committee composed of 98 experts from all over the world. In particular, more than 10,000 entries - the largest number of entries in history - from 52 countries held an intense competition.

L-08017B-마곡화목원-친환경-식물문화센터-박영채.jpgAbout the iF DESIGN AWARD

For 68 years, the iF DESIGN AWARD has been recognized as an arbiter of quality for exceptional design. The iF label is renowned worldwide for outstanding design services, and the iF DESIGN AWARD is one of the most important design prizes in the world. Submissions are awarded in the following disciplines: Product, Packaging, Communication and Service Design/UX, Architecture and Interior Architecture as well as Professional Concept. All awarded entries are featured on the iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE, in the iF design app and are displayed at the iF design exhibition Hamburg.


[Link to Seoul Botanic Park] 



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