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Awards , 19 July 2024

RedDot Design Award 2024 ‘Best of Best’ Selection

SAMOO Architects & Engineers has been honored with five awards across three categories in the 2024 RedDot Design Award (Design Concept)―with two of these awards achieving the prestigious 'Best of Best' selection. The 'Best of Best' distinction is reserved for the most innovative designs among all entries, and FIT Platform and ArchitecTwin by SAMOO were selected for this honor. This achievement is particularly noteworthy as SAMOO is the first domestic architectural firm to be recognized in this category―highlighting their progress in the New Biz sector.

‘FIT Platform’ and ‘ArchitecTwin’ - RedDot Design Award ‘Best of Best’ Selection

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The FIT Platform, awarded in the UI & User Experience category, is a future space platform utilizing a multi-purpose exterior system, comprising the FIT Frame, FIT Cartridge, and FIT OS. This space infrastructure continuously evolves to adapt to technological changes and user needs.

ArchitecTwin, awarded in the Service Design category, is SAMOO's integrated building management solution leveraging digital twin technology. By visualizing various data within a 3D space, it enhances user accessibility to information and offers building safety management solutions through simulations of diverse scenarios that may occur throughout the building's lifecycle.

‘National Museum of World Writing Systems’, ‘Kakao Data Center’, and ‘Data Meta Design’ - RedDot Design Award Winners

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The National Museum of World Writing Systems, awarded in the Architecture category, is situated within Songdo Central Park, and reached completion in May 2023. Embodying the concept of ‘PAGES,’ the building features naturally curved spaces and an open design accessible to the public.

The Kakao Data Center is situated in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, and reached completion in November 2023. Embodying the concept of ‘Beyond Connections,’ the structure skillfully integrates security measures with public accessibility in its architectural design.

Data Meta Design, awarded in the Mega Trends (AI) category, is an AI design system that proposes values and solutions needed by various cities based on urban data. It has been highly praised for its architectural process integrated with artificial intelligence technology.

About the RedDot Design Award

The RedDot Design Award is regarded as one of the three major international design awards alongside the iF Design Award and IDEA―with a history dating back to 1955.

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