• ENG
Korea Polar Research Institute Korea Polar Research Institute, which will be built in Songdo district, Incheon will be a base camp for researchers and expedition crew while offering a glimpse of Polar research for general public. Being located on a reclaimed land, the building should be able to endure corrosive sea water and strong wind.
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Space Information

  • 21,491Square meters
    floor areas
  • +9 / -1Nine stories and
    one basement level
  • 2013Project

Symbolic public plazas were proposed to animate the entry sequence and a main tower on a prominent corner will give a fresh mark to the monotonous grid pattern of the nearby district. Korea Polar Research Institute consists of four major components: administrative office, research facility, support facility and dormitories. The institute’s main administrative building is reminiscent of iceberg with pattern of stone panel express frigid polar climate. For the research zone, maximum flexibility and expandability was the key consideration. Support facility has its own separate service entry for large delivery trucks. Dormitories for researchers were designed to ensure privacy and maintain good quality of communal life.


Korea Polar Research Institute

  • Location Incheon, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 21,491m²
  • Floors 9 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2013

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