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Giheung SDR Advance Camp
The Giheung SDR Advance Camp B-block is a temporary office at the SDR site built using MOPICE, taking five months in total from manufacturing to installation. MOPICE, inspired by the idea of 'temporariness,' represents Mobile Modular Office, providing a cutting-edge design solution for a sustainable future. The modules can be fully reused even after the SDR construction is completed, supporting ESG management principles. Additionally, MOPICE offers a superior indoor environment, flexibility, and adaptability compared to traditional temporary offices, creating an optimal workspace for employees.
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Space Information

  • 1,053Square meters
    floor areas
  • +33 Story
  • 2023Project

The Giheung SDR Advance Camp B-block saw a significant upgrade in building quality by utilizing MOPICE instead of traditional temporary site offices. It features the country’s first module-integrated curtain wall system, offering an openness comparable to high-end offices, with a patent pending for this technology. The standardized modular structure allows for flexible floor plans, structural changes, and adaptable space expansions to meet future needs. The introduction of office-specific double flooring (OA FLOOR), rare in temporary site offices, simplifies the replacement and maintenance of electrical and data infrastructure. The use of precision details and joints minimizes the need for finishing materials, while exposed ceilings and modular office furniture enhance the durability and reusability of the modular units.


Giheung SDR Advance Camp

  • Location Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Modular
  • Area 1,053m²
  • Floors 3 stories
  • Year 2023
  • Awards iF Design Award, 2024

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