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SKKU Natural Sciences Campus Community The SKKU Natural Sciences Campus Community building is built using MOPICE, taking three months in total from manufacturing to installation. This community facility offers various programs for students and staff, including club rooms, seminar rooms, administrative offices, and faculty offices. MOPICE, inspired by the idea of 'temporariness,' represents Mobile Modular Office, providing a cutting-edge design solution for a sustainable future. The product's standardized modular structure allows for flexible floor plans, structural changes, and adaptable space expansions to meet future needs.
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Space Information

  • 1,512Square meters
    floor areas
  • +22 Stories
  • 2024Project

The SKKU Natural Sciences Campus Community building is designed to blend seamlessly with other campus buildings while maintaining its unique character. The exterior features a variety of louver designs to accentuate the facade, which can be easily replaced and maintained without damaging the structure. Inside, the use of standardized modular units allows for flexible layout changes, ensuring the building can adapt to future needs and environmental changes.


SKKU Natural Sciences Campus Community

  • Location Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Modular
  • Area 1,512m²
  • Floors 2 Stories
  • Year 2024

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