• ENG
LAM RESEARCH KTC R&D CENTER The Lam Research KTC R&D Center is a project aimed at establishing a new Asian hub for the global
semiconductor equipment company. Located within the Jigok General Industrial Complex,
the KTC R&D Center comprises various buildings designed for different purposes.
These include an office building that provides a pleasant workspace for employees,
a lab building equipped with cleanrooms for semiconductor equipment, a parking tower,
and infrastructure facilities such as the Bulk Gas Yard (BGY).
This project provides a comprehensive total solution, encompassing everything from architectural design to urban planning tasks
such as industrial complex rezoning support and the creation of a master plan, as well as high-tech engineering design
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Space Information

  • 23,565.77Square meters
    floor areas
  • Office | LAB4 Stories 1 Basement Levels
    5 Stories
  • Office | LAB2024 Project Completion
    2022 Project Completion

Each building is strategically positioned along the sloped site and designed according to its function and purpose. The office building is envisioned as a glass mass perched on a massive base, creating a striking visual effect. The LAB building is designed with a cohesive facade, using unified materials to ensure overall harmony.



  • Location Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Office
  • Area 23,565m²
  • Floors 4 Stories and 1 Basement Level (Office)
    5 Stories (LAB)
  • Year 2024

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