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Insight The Leader of Future Innovation in Architecure & Engineering
Insight , 05 June 2023

Open Space Branding

SAMOO provides creative planning solutions and visions to enhance open space to become more memorable places in the minds of people around world. SAMOO has 3 core solutions, a total branding solution that designs the value of space you want to visit again, a customized experience design solution that creates various activities suitable for the type of open space, a data-based planning solution that gives confidence in spatial concept directions based on urban life and context data analysis. we introduce open space branding, which provides various ideas for open space.

Who we are


We are a group of experts who create the future value of open space. We present various possibilities to enhance the value of space based on our expertise in the various fields.

Our Vision


By setting 'Scape.On' as the motto and keyword, which contains the meaning of vitalizing space, awakening its potential, and creating new values in space, we aim for a space where the familiarity of nature and the novelty of contents coexist.

Our Specialties


To realize the vision of open space, we establish customized strategies according to different open space types. In particular, the three main specialized strategies we provide are 'guidelines that can best express the potential of open spaces' and 'planning solutions that can position spaces as a brand', making open spaces more valuable and differentiated.

Specialty 1


Specialty 2


Specialty 3


Our Network


Through SAMOO's expertise in landscaping/space directing and a collaborative network with experts in each field, we provide optimal strategies suitable for the characteristics of open spaces.



SAMOO Architects & Engineers / Urban Solution Team
Sungmin Yang / smin.yang@samoo.com / +82-2-2184-5480
Daeyeon Lee / dae-yeon.lee@samoo.com / +82-2-2184-5494
Dongbing Xu / dongbing.xu@samoo.com / +82-2-2184-5483

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제보내용이 사실에 근거하지 않거나 자료가 불확실한 경우 처리되지 않을수 있으니
정확한 사실확인을 위해 가능한 구체적으로 작성하여 주시길 바랍니다.

  • TEL02-2184-5050
  • FAX02-2184-5977
  • EMAILethics_samoo@samoo.com
  • 우편/방문서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 1077 이스트센트럴타워 05340, 삼우종합건축사사무소 감사팀

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*필수 입력 사항입니다.

개인정보 활용동의

(주)삼우종합건축사사무소는 ‘제보하기’의 의견 접수와 관련하여 필요한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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