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About SAMOO The Leader of Future Innovation in Architecture & Engineering

While having dedicated the past 48 years to rapid growth that ran parallel with Korea's economic development, SAMOO seeks to become a responsible partner that offers the best service in realizing the vision of our clients as well as improving our architectural environment and creating a legacy for future generations.


SAMOO Architects & Engineers is a global architecture company which provides a total solution covering from architectural, urban, interior, sustainable design to engineering.Since 1976, SAMOO has completed about 8,000 projects. The more than 100 award winning records explains SAMOO’s design competence which has been refined throughout the last 48 years. SAMOO has won all the three biggest design awards such as Red Dot, IDEA and iF Design Award, and through that, SAMOO has proved its superiority in design to the world. Also, in addition to architectural design, SAMOO has a rich experience in designing a high-tech industry facility like a semi-conductor or pharmaceutical factory.

Total 900+ Employees

SAMOO possesses a full systematic organization to provide clients with necessary administrative services and specialized functions in design, engineering & construction and construction management to maximize benefits to clients. A breakdown of expertise within SAMOO is as follows :

  • 152

    Registered Architect

  • 15

    Professional Engineer

  • 12

    Overseas Registered

  • 60



For the first time among architecture companies in Korea, SAMOO has won all the three biggest design awards such as Red Dot Award, iF Design Award and IDEA(International Design Excellence Awards), and through that, SAMOO has proved its superiority in design to the world.

History of SAMOO
    • 2020 ~
      • 2022. 07

        Declared the future business strategy

      • 2021. 01

        Declared SAMOO VISION 2025 and NEW CI

    • 2015 ~
      • 2018. 10

        Opened a branch in Malaysia

      • 2018. 02

        Headquarters relocation (Gangdong ECT)

      • 2016. 10

        40th Anniversary

      • 2016. 08

        Won all of the top 3 international design awards
        (Red Dot, iF Design Award, IDEA)

    • 2010 ~
      • 2014. 08

        Acquired by SAMSUNG Group

      • 2014. 04

        Opened a branch in Beijing

      • 2010. 07

        Established a branch in Vietnam

    • 2005 ~
      • 2007. 02

        Expanded overseas branches
        (New York, Dubai, Shanghai)

      • 2006.

        Adopted the BIM
        (Building Information Modeling)

      • 2005. 10

        The 1st SAMOO Design Award (SDA)

    • 2000 ~
      • 2004. 11

        Obtained ISO14001 Certificate

      • 2004. 07

        The 1st SAMOO Design Workshop(SDW)

      • 2004. 10

        Opened a branch in Shanghai

    • 1995 ~
      • 1998. 02

        Registered for the professional service
        in Construction Management

      • 1998. 01

        Obtained ISO9001 Certificate

      • 1996. 10

        Revised the logo and changed the company name
        : SAMOO Architects & Engineers

    • 1990 ~
      • 1994.

        Opened a branch in New York

      • 1993. 07

        Registered for the engineering service

      • 1993. 02

        Registered for the professional service
        in Architectural Supervision

    • 1985 ~
      • 1989.

        Began cooperative system;
        industrial and academic

      • 1988. 04

        Registered for the professional engineering service
        in Structure, Mechanical, and Electrical

    • 1980 ~
      • 1985. 06

        Changed the company name
        : SAMWOO Architects & Engineers Co.

      • 1982. 04

        Changed the company name
        : SAMWOO Design Co.

    • 1976 ~
      • 1979.

        Entered into Middle-East market: KSA, Libya, Iraq

      • 1979. 06

        Obtained the license of professional service
        in overseas construction

      • 1976. 10

        Founded SAMWOO Architecture Lab

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제보내용이 사실에 근거하지 않거나 자료가 불확실한 경우 처리되지 않을수 있으니
정확한 사실확인을 위해 가능한 구체적으로 작성하여 주시길 바랍니다.

  • TEL02-2184-5050
  • FAX02-2184-5977
  • EMAILethics_samoo@samoo.com
  • 우편/방문서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 1077 이스트센트럴타워 05340, 삼우종합건축사사무소 감사팀

※ 임금 및 기성체불 등 협력업체 관련 민원은 02-2184-5114로 문의바랍니다.

*필수 입력 사항입니다.

개인정보 활용동의

(주)삼우종합건축사사무소는 ‘제보하기’의 의견 접수와 관련하여 필요한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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