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Design for Safety In order to provide preventive safety management that meets the social needs of the recently accelerated transition in the safety paradigm, SAMOO Architects & Engineers has established a comprehensive Design for Safety management process as well as a DfS database comprising everything including the design and construction sector that encompasses designers, contractors, users, and managers. Through the exchange of expertise and information in the field of architectural design, we seek to exercise social responsibility as a leading ESG company and to develop a culture emphasizing safety awareness in the domestic construction industry.

Design for Safety(DfS)

* These are reference materials that are produced based on case studies. Prior to application,
please be sure to consult with experts in advance to account for additional circumstances such as site conditions.

What is Design for Safety?

It is “preventive safety management” that aims to eliminate or reduce risk factors across a building’s full life cycle by integrating methods of risk analysis and risk assessment in the early stage of building design.

Design for Safety activities

SAMOO Architects & Engineers continues to engage in Design for Safety (DfS) activities with all design staff, design experts in different fields, and contractors. We aim to secure expertise in Design for Safety, internalize competitiveness and make it routinized.

  • Secure Expertise

    Establish a system based on the experience accumulated from the projects executed

  • Routinize DfS

    Routinize Design for Safety through participation and encouragement

  • Internalize Competitiveness

    Constantly exercise Design for Safety and promote experts

Design for Safety Database

DfS database, which is applied to the entire stages of the design process, is comprised of the library and checklist. These are prepared based on risk factors and on-site accident cases from the projects executed, as well as the safety and health management system through ISO 45001 certification in the design field, such as the Design for Safety training platform and in-house expert committee.

Design for Safety ESG

SAMOO Architects & Engineers highlights the need for preventive design to practice safety design. When it comes to safety-conscious design, it is critical to not only eliminate and reduce risk factors in the design stages but also thoroughly evaluate the reasons for accidents and poor construction, in order to establish measures to prevent a recurrence. In this case, once the DfS database is made available to relevant construction engineers, more effective preventive design can be implemented through voluntary safety management training.

By sharing the guidelines and database of the Design for Safety, which SAMOO and Samsung C&T Corporate prepared by conducting long-term joint research with designers, construction companies, and other relevant specialized companies, we strive to exercise social responsibility as a leading ESG company and establish a culture emphasizing safety awareness in the domestic construction industry.

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제보내용이 사실에 근거하지 않거나 자료가 불확실한 경우 처리되지 않을수 있으니
정확한 사실확인을 위해 가능한 구체적으로 작성하여 주시길 바랍니다.

  • TEL02-2184-5050
  • FAX02-2184-5977
  • EMAILethics_samoo@samoo.com
  • 우편/방문서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 1077 이스트센트럴타워 05340, 삼우종합건축사사무소 경영진단팀

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*필수 입력 사항입니다.

개인정보 활용동의

(주)삼우종합건축사사무소는 ‘제보하기’의 의견 접수와 관련하여 필요한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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