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Awards , 19 November 2024

Winning the Excellence Prize of the BIM Awards 2024

SAMOO Architects & Engineers has been honored with Excellence Prize in both the Design and Engineering categories at the BIM Awards 2024. This achievement particularly holds great significance as it was won in the Architecture (A) and Engineering (E) categories through the use of BIM technology (T).

Award Overview

Hosted by: buildingSMART Korea, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology

Award-winning Projects

- Design Category: Songdo Severance Hospital
- Engineering Category: CapitaLand Data Center (EQUINIX SL2x)

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The Songdo Severance Hospital, winner in the Design category, is a large-scale medical complex project that includes an 800-bed general hospital, dormitories, research facilities, and other supporting buildings. The project utilized BIM across all stages, from conceptual design to detailed design, researching and developing BIM-specific technologies at each step to innovate work processes and improve operational efficiency. Additionally, it established a standardized BIM framework for healthcare facilities, enabling the completion of the digital transformation of healthcare facilities.

The CapitaLand Data Center (EQUINIX SL2x), winner in the Engineering category, is EQUINIX’s first hyperscale data center in Korea. The project was executed using full BIM across all stages of the design, achieving ‘zero’ interference between major disciplines. Additionally, it enhanced design understanding by providing Combined Service for the main equipment routing. Through the accumulation of data in the data center project and the development of programs, the project successfully strengthened BIM expertise and competitiveness.

About BIM Awards

Since 2009, the buildingSMART Korea and Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology have held the BIM Awards annually to promote the activation and proper use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology in Korea's construction industry. The BIM Awards has established itself as a key event that contributes to the advancement of BIM technology and the enhancement of international competitiveness.

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