• ENG
Raemian Anyang Megatria Apartment As the first new projects in this area, Deokcheon Residential District is one of the largest of the 34 redevelopment sites planned for the reconstruction of residential improvement districts in the city of Anyang. The existing city was plagued with poor infrastructure and living conditions. Under the planning guidelines of the city, a new way of regeneration plan to improve the area with environmental, natural and cultural considerations was explored.
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Space Information

  • 601,437Square meters
    floor areas
  • +32 / -2Thirty two stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2016Project

As the first new projects in this area, Deokcheon Residential District is one of the largest of the 34 redevelopment sites planned for the reconstruction of residential improvement districts in the city of Anyang. The existing city was plagued with poor infrastructure and living conditions. Under the planning guidelines of the city, a new way of regeneration plan to improve the area with environmental, natural and cultural considerations was explored. The city’s strategic initiative to re-brand itself through ambitious redevelopment and regeneration projects is key to the successful delivery.
The existing site includes an old market and very complex street system. New open space is planned to connect the city back to nature and nature interacts with the city using restored stream and adjoining natural resources. The existing market and street system will be redesigned and reconstructed to improve street life that is richer with cultural and social opportunities. The old and new urban centers will be linked and communicate with each other. For this exemplary project, waterway rehabilitation within the city will also play an important role in generating new and fresh impression of the city.


Raemian Anyang Megatria Apartment

  • Location Anyang, South Korea
  • Program Residential
  • Area 601,437m²
  • Floors 32 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2016

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