• ENG
e-Pyeonhansesang Terrace Gwanggyo 3/4BL The two sites for this project located far away from downtown and on a steep slope posed some disadvantages for construction. However, the rich greenbelt spread out to all directions from the sites made them an ideal location for a settlement environment. Accordingly, the pleasant natural elements around were brought into the sites as much as possible, and the houses were naturally layered according to the shape of the land, allowing outward life through the terrace. Instead of large outdoor space, small gardens were incorporated in the plan to induce a natural community of neighbors meeting and communicating on the streets.
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Space Information

  • 128,761Square meters
    floor areas
  • +4 / -1Four stories and
    one basement level
  • 2017Project

A total of 576 household units and about 30 types of units were planned. A variety of floor plans were designed by maximizing the range of floor plans according to site location, number of floors, target consumers, and relaxed regulations. Each floor was designed differently to accommodate a terrace from 5 to 20 pyeong, and such duplex floor plans as the first floor with the basement or the fourth floor with the loft were designed to create spatial depth. Also, to overcome the shortcomings of existing terrace house, the units were designed with openings in the rear giving more light and ventilation, thereby offering optimal conditions for pleasant rural life and maximizing the sales potential.
To create a pleasant outdoor environment and a safe complex, the complex was designed so that vehicles enter the underground parking lot directly from the main entrance. The underground parking lot was connected to each unit core to facilitate the convenience of living in an apartment complex. The ground level was designed to be an eco-friendly walking-centered space linked to the terrace of each unit. Taking advantage of the level difference of the site, the auxiliary facilities planned in the lower part of the main building were placed differently for block 3 and 4: In block 3, they were placed near the main entrance, while in block 4, they were placed at the center of the complex.


e-Pyeonhansesang Terrace Gwanggyo 3/4BL

  • Location Suwon, South Korea
  • Program Residential
  • Area 128,761m²
  • Floors 4 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2017

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