• ENG
Korea Univ. Business School, Hyundai Motor Hall Planned as a 21st century Business School that will be responsible for educating global leaders, the design of Korea University’s Hyundai Motor Hall focused on creating an optimum space for new generation of business leaders. Located on the edge of the university’s perimeter with a 14m height difference from the roads, the site location provided difficulties in accessibility. In order to solve this problem, a radical plan was proposed by the design team to create a new opening to the site as well as the university.
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Space Information

  • 15,484Square meters
    floor areas
  • +5 / -4Five stories and
    four basement levels
  • 2015Project

With the concept of creating an open ‘Gate’, the building would act as a visual gateway to the university and provide better accessibility. The upper portion of the building - including a long curtain-wall bridge - was a result of the concept ‘Connection’. The bridge provides a circulation route that connects the main building of the Business School with the LG-Posco Hall and the Hyundai Motor Hall. Symbolically, it represents a connection between the past, the present, and the future providing a new identity to the Business School of Korea University.
Within the building, major efforts were made to provide spatial experiences orientated on ‘Light’. A major atrium with a sky-light allows natural light to be dispersed throughout the building, creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere. Surrounding the atrium, group study rooms are located to allow students to hold creative meetings that are an essential part of the school’s curriculum. Within the atrium, a network of stairways enables easy access between floors while multi-purpose areas allow various activities to occur.
With attention to facade designs that will allow maximum natural light to the interiors, the building deploys various technologies including geo-thermal plants to realize a truly sustainable result. As a new extension to the Korea University, the Hyundai Motor Hall has been designed to become a valuable asset for its users.


Korea Univ. Business School, Hyundai Motor Hall

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 15,484m²
  • Floors 5 Stories and 4 Basements
  • Year 2015

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