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2014 Incheon Asian Games Namdong Stadium Namdong Stadium located on the Southwest Incheon was intended for rugby and gymnastics. Since the site is sitting by the confluence of two rivers, it is divided into seven blocks by existing urban design.
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Space Information

  • 42,356Square meters
    floor areas
  • +3 / -2Three stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2010Project

A land bridge will be connecting the stadium with the park. To overcome level difference between sport venues, an over bridge will provide access to and from arenas. These bridges will be covered with greenery to minimize the visual impact and make the design vision-sports in the park-coherent. The rugby arena, where dynamic sports events take place, is based on the motive of the strong muscle of a rugby player. The gymnastics arena expresses the dynamic movement. For these arenas, the separation of circulation for multiple events and flexible seating plan to meet various event requirements was the main issue of the design to maximize an occupancy after Asian Games.
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2014 Incheon Asian Games Namdong Stadium

  • Location Incheon, South Korea
  • Program Sports
  • Area 42,356m²
  • Floors 3 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2010
  • Collaboration Forum Architects & Engineers

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