• ENG
SAMSUNG SDI Samsung SDI headquarters in Giheung city, and operates branches in Suwon, Cheonan, Ulsan, Cheongju, and Gumi. After relocating its head office to Giheung in June 2009, the company recognized the need to centralize its R&D capac-ities from different branches in order to lay the foundation for the next growth engine.
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Space Information

  • 18,473Square meters
    floor areas
  • +7 Seven stories
  • 2019Project

Samsung SDI headquarters in Giheung city, and operates branches in Suwon, Cheonan, Ulsan, Cheongju, and Gumi. After relocating its head office to Giheung in June 2009, the company recognized the need to centralize its R&D capac-ities from different branches in order to lay the foundation for the next growth engine. Against such backdrop, the com-pany started to reconfigure the Giheung HQ site, including purchasing the neighboring Samsung C&T Research Institute site in 2017, construction of a new Jeongmundong Building, and expansion of a main entrance road as well as a parking lot. And E3 building, among others, is at the core of such HQ reconfiguration plan.
E3 was built to accommodate around 1,500 research work-ers. The company removed the old Hanmaeum Plaza, a caf-eteria building, to build a whole new R&D building. It has also torn down or relocated a nearby waste storage, a hazardous material storage, a wastewater treatment facility, and a safety test building in order to secure enough space for deliv-ering the E3 masterplan. The Giheung HQ of Samsung SDI is adjacent to Giheung IC of Seoul-Busan Expressway and enjoys a magnificent view of Namsamyeon village located at the lower end of Borasan Mountain. E3, located in the inner end of the HQ site surrounded by Borasan Forest, is at the best environment for a research institute.



  • Location Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 18,473m²
  • Floors 7 Stories
  • Year 2019

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  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
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