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Dongsan Hospital of Keimyung University started as Je-joongwon, or Widespread Relief House, founded in 1899 at the center of Daegu city. Dongsan Hospital, after pursuing its 120-year-long sprit of being at the “Korea’s Medical Fron-tier” and in embarking another 100 years of new history, has decided to respond to a call for expansion in conjunction with a new medical school and a nursing college. In designing this medical complex where a hospital, a medical school, a nursing college, a medical science R&D center, and a pharmaceutical college are in close connection with one an-other, it was important to create an environment for healing, utilizing the nature surrounding the Seongseo Campus of Keimyung University, while reflecting and materializing the medical center’s image as the symbol of future and hope of Daegu city as the “Medicity”.
Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital
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