• ENG
HILLSTATE River Park, Ssangam Located at the General Commercial District within Gwang-ju Industrial Complex, Hillstate River Park Ssangam enjoys a nature-friendly residential environment, surrounded by Youngsan River and other neighboring parks except for some commercial facilities located to its west.
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Space Information

  • 223,004Square meters
    floor areas
  • +43 / -3Forty-three stories and
    three basement levels
  • 2019Project

Located at the General Commercial District within Gwang-ju Industrial Complex, Hillstate River Park Ssangam enjoys a nature-friendly residential environment, surrounded by Youngsan River and other neighboring parks except for some commercial facilities located to its west. The triangle shape site has an open view towards its southeast direction draw-ing enough daylight. With the magnificent view of meander-ing Youngsan River and Mudeungsan Mountain at a far dis-tance that would last for long, Hillstate River Park Ssangam indeed is an estate with a premium view. It is a residen-tial-commercial complex, composed of 9 residential towers (ranging from 30 to 36-storied buildings) and one 43-storied studio-flat tower.
An open configuration of the existing commercial complex and Youngsan River flowing from east to west allows the wind to pass through, and by elevating the deck up to the level of a neighboring waterside park, the complex can enjoy the beautiful landscape of the park, while still being an inde-pendent residential estate. Hillstate River Park Ssangam, as the tallest building in Gwangju, will become the city’s land-mark estate and a multi-purpose residential complex with an application of leading ICT.


HILLSTATE River Park, Ssangam

  • Location Gwangju, South Korea
  • Program Residential
  • Area 223,004m²
  • Floors 43 Stories and 3 Basements
  • Year 2019

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