• ENG
NHN HQ, Green Factory NHN Headquarters, which is called “a Green Factory” - a new home for Korea’s giant internet portal company - is a modern design using a spatial composition of grand open floor plates coupled with vertical communication zones to help unify and link the NHN staff. The design promotes socialization, interactivity and creative brainstorming.
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Space Information

  • 101,661Square meters
    floor areas
  • +28 / -7Twenty eight stories and
    seven basement levels
  • 2010Project

People are more visible to each other as a result of the architecture and communication is facilitated among the diverse employees. The design is a direct response to the client’s directives to create a building that communicates the importance of the employees yet a presence that does not seem too boastful. Another goal was to create a visible landmark building that best takes advantage of the surrounding views for the occupants. Louvers are integrated in the exterior facade that both allow for open views but can also be adjusted to provide shading and light control for the programmers at their workstations.


NHN HQ, Green Factory

  • Location Seongnam, South Korea
  • Program Office
  • Area 101,661m²
  • Floors 28 Stories and 7 Basements
  • Year 2010
  • Collaboration NBBJ
  • Awards Excellence Award, Korean Architecture Award, 2011
    Architecture of the Year Best 7, 2014

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