• ENG
KB Kookmin Bank HQ Yeouido, where KB Kookmin Bank HQ is located, is of great significance as a hub of international finance. By gathering the scattered head offices in Seoul into one place, KB Kookmin Bank HQ aims to maximize work efficiency. Within the central axis of the city, KB Kookmin Bank HQ will form a cluster of KB Financial Town, together with other KB Financial Groups in the Yeouido area, thereby becoming a center point for KB Financial Group as a global leading bank to make a new leap forward.
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Space Information

  • 67,677Square meters
    floor areas
  • +25 / -6Seventy-two stories and
    Seven basement levels
  • 2020Project

KB Kookmin Bank HQ intends to embody the dream and future of a new start in KB Square. It aims to gain a sense of strength and stability through a simple but strong elevation design in addition to a refined form of mass, which grants the building a sense of trust in the customer and a symbolic characteristic as a leading bank. The lower levels provide a reception space for the customers, the middle levels are configured as a concentration space as a workspace, and the upper levels are composed of a communication space for employees. KB FRESH, in which two or more floors are left open, is placed in the workspace to accommodate a communication and resting space for employees. In particular, the employee cafeteria is placed on the 24th and 25th floors, where a panoramic view of the Han River and Yeouido area unfolds, so that all employees can share the magnificent view. KB Kookmin Bank HQ is expected to become the salient icon of KB Financial Group, which is making a new leap forward in Yeouido, the hub of international finance.


KB Kookmin Bank HQ

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Office
  • Area 67,677m²
  • Floors 25 Stories and 6 Basements
  • Year 2020

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
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