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New Kia Sales Facility SI 1S Kia, one of the leading automobile brands in Korea, has been developing a new SI (Space Identity) along with a new BIS (Brand Identity Strategy) and CI (Corporate Identity) as part of the plan to improve the corporate image, with its change in name (Kia Motors to Kia). SAMOO participated in the project as an SI developer to propose a new sales facility.
As can be seen in the catchphrase “Movement that Inspires,” Kia’s new corporate philosophy is derived from thinking about the movement and inspiration. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to propose a store where the public can experience that philosophy.
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Space Information

  • 410Square meters
    floor areas
  • +1 / 0One stories and
    Zero basement levels
  • 2021Project

The concept of the Infinite Loop that we propose is as follows: Through the reinterpretation of space and boundary, we would like to retrace the meaning of division and connection that the structure named Loop holds. Also, we aim to emphasize the presence of the Kia Store in the urban space by visually accentuating the form of the Loop.
Inside the store, there are a showroom and a customer space, with the Loop as the boundary. The design for the showroom pursues a bright and vivid tone with a sharp and edgy design suitable for vehicle display and customer viewing. On the other hand, the customer space was designed in a warm wood tone with soft and natural imagery suitable for customer consultation and relaxation.
At the newly proposed multi-purpose lounge, customers and car masters with various purposes establish a relationship. By placing various furniture and rest areas harmonized with Kia’s brand colors, we anticipate this space to become a new space where you can experience the brand Kia as a resting space in the city that is differentiated from the previous dealerships.


New Kia Sales Facility SI 1S

  • Location Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Office
  • Area 410m²
  • Floors 1 Stories, 0 Basement Levels
  • Year 2021
  • Awards iF Design Award, 2023

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