• ENG
The Presidential Archives of Sejong As a place that exhibits the records of Korea’s presidents, the Presidential Archive may appear rigid and authoritative because of the theme. For this reason, the design team aimed to realize an archive where people can visit freely without feeling pressured. People are invited to enjoy themselves viewing the historical records of nearly a century and to stroll along the footpath of the former presidents of South Korea, conversing with the waterside park on a low hill.
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Space Information

  • 31,219Square meters
    floor areas
  • +4 / -2Four stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2015Project

The cubical form of the main exhibition hall was derived from the great seal and its box used by Korean officials. The records symbolize the great seal, and the exhibition room represents the great seal box. The two materials of the box, brass and wood were reinterpreted respectively to stone and glass, making the space a new landmark of Sejong city.
The interior space is devoted to the exhibition displaying the dreams and hopes of successive presidents from Seung-Mahn Lee who had been elected in 1948, to future presidents. The visitors are invited to walk on the blessed ground occupied by a symbolic cube and surrounding low hills where sky, earth and water meet. The green network, which connects nature to the culture of the Sejong city, would provide the experience of an integrated place of exchange showing the footsteps of the presidents of Korea.


The Presidential Archives of Sejong

  • Location Sejong, South Korea
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 31,219m²
  • Floors 4 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2015
  • Collaboration Kunwon Planners Engineers, ABLine Architects & Engineers
  • Awards Bronze, IDEA, 2016
  • Excellence Award, Korean Architecture Award, 2016
    First Prize, Korean Ecological Architecture Awards, 2015

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