• ENG
Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA The Seoul Museum of Art is a renewal project, converting the old Supreme Court building into an art museum. Although the old building lived through its physical performance, it is a historic architecture bearing the full length of modern history as part of the historic and cultural belt of Jeongdong that links the Deoksugung Palace, Jeongdong Theater, Jeongdong Church, Baejae Academy and the old Russian Legation.
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Space Information

  • 13,434Square meters
    floor areas
  • +3 / -2Three stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2002Project

This decided the design thesis for the Seoul Museum of Art: to reproduce the historic significance of the architecture and the cultural significance which is both modern and contemporary, reviving a modern architecture at the heart of Seoul to restructure the urban cultural space. The facade facing Jeongdong Road was preserved and restored to maintain the symbolic value of the historic architecture. The main entrance at the center of the facade and the central structure were preserved, and the outer walls on both sides were taken apart and then restored. In this process we prepared drawings based on precise measurement, and collected samples of the decorative patterns and the parts to be restored in their original forms and kept them on-site.


Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA

  • Location Seoul, Korea
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 13,434m²
  • Floors 3 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2002

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  • 우편/방문서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 1077 이스트센트럴타워 05340, 삼우종합건축사사무소 경영진단팀

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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