• ENG
WOORI Bank Sangam Center Woori Bank Sangam Center sits on the A block that faces the Digital Media Street, the world’s first ubiquitous avenue, to be the gateway that leads to the entrance of Sangam-dong DMC. The exterior of the building that reflects the corporate image of Woori Financial Group has further specified through simple combination of the horizontal and vertical louver mass.
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Space Information

  • 81,475Square meters
    floor areas
  • +12 / -5Twelve stories and
    five basement levels
  • 2009Project

The place-ability of DMC has been formed by making the stainless steel capping which implies the data accumulation in the elevation and the form of a mass which implies the integrated circuit that transfers data. The overall facilities are comprised of the BPR Center, a cutting-edge business facility that renovates the process of bank affairs, IT Center, and R&D Center where the computation solution is being studied and developed. The large atrium of about 12-meter height in the entrance space separates these three different facilities by their functions while it makes the integrative common space. The three stories of the lower levels facing the Digital Media Street have been installed with the three-layered band type media board to create the interactive environment for pedestrians.


WOORI Bank Sangam Center

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Data Center
  • Area 81,475m²
  • Floors 12 Stories and 5 Basements
  • Year 2009
  • Awards Excellence Award, Seoul Architecture Awards, 2010

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