• ENG
KEB Hana Bank HQ The KEB Hana Bank headquarters is located in Euljiro, where various elements dynamically coexist to form a hub of traffic, commerce, and tourism. The mass of the structure was planned to reflect a constantly changing flow and to continue the stories of historical sites in the vicinity, as well as to represent the symbolic identity of being Korea’s first financial institution.
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Space Information

  • 53,981Square meters
    Floor area
  • +26 / -6Twenty-six stories and
    six basement levels
  • 2017Project

Starting as Korea’s first private financial institution, KEB Hana Bank has grown to become one of the 3 largest banks in Korea. It plans to build a new office in order transform its Euljiro headquarters into a new international office. The main theme of the new building is 'Trust & Flow to the public, Fly to the world' which indicates the desire to become a leading global bank based on the trust of existing customers. The design of the new building takes advantage of the site’s location at an intersection, by using a curved outer cover at the corners in order to express a dynamic image.
The interior of the building was designed to enhance work efficiency with the use of cutting-edge intelligent systems and eco-friendly spaces. An observatory at the top floor was planned for a pleasant work environment, while rest spaces were enlarged to enhance employee welfare. Spaces for the public, such as the concert hall open to the public on the first basement as well as exhibition facilities and a book cafe which will serve as an open library, were planned for the second basement.
As an eco-friendly energy-saving building, triple layered glass was used for the exterior curtain walls that make up the entire facade, in order to maximize insulation performance while various eco-friendly methods were utilized to obtain the highest grade of the green building certification.
The outdoor space that was previously used as a parking lot was proposed to be converted into a relaxation space with a lively atmosphere to be shared with the public. In addition, through the open space connecting the building to Euljiro Station, the project to realize the publicness and future-oriented identity of KEB Hana Bank was completed.


KEB Hana Bank HQ

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Office
  • Area 53,981m²
  • Floors 26 stories and 6 basement levels
  • Year 2017

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